1) Occupational safety
The activities of a person professionally qualified in risk prevention
(pursuant to Act No. 262/2006 Coll., as amended)
- Create and manage the compulsory documentation for the company/establishment/facility/construction site and building
- Search for and assess risks at workplaces
- Work categorization
- Conduct entry and periodic training sessions for managers and regular employees
- Conduct inspections of work/construction sites associated with compliance with OHS rules
- Propose corrective measures to eliminate defects and deficiencies
- Inform the Executive/Investor about OHS defects on the work/construction site
- Participate in building inspection days
- Perform annual audits of the OHS situation
- Perform inspections of subcontractors’ valid OHS documentation
- Cooperate in the handling of work-related accidents, including preparation of the Injury Report
- Presence during negotiations with OHS state supervision authorities
- Provide professional consulting services in OHS